Sunday, July 19, 2009

Beach Time

I haven't been to the beach in almost five years and i've lived on the east coast for eight. I know, it's tragic.

Anyway, this last weekend i went to Ocean City Maryland with Anth and his family. It's a lot to go through and I don't like to do the play-by-play, so I'll just say i had a great time. I had an amazing time actually.

Anthony and I had our tiffs, but overall I'd say it actually helped us. I know it did because now i feel all the more confident in our relationship. Plus, being around Mike and Mariah the entire weekend really threw the future in our face. The conversation with them was almost always surrounding their September wedding.
Not to be creepy, but Anth has said that the person he's with when he finishes college is probably going to be the person he spends the rest of his life with. We're going strong. 1+1=2

His family is very "progressive" in that they allowed anthony and i to share a bedroom in the condo. My mother was, of course, shocked to learn this but i believe my mother to be very traditional and not very open-minded to matters such as these.

I am so very tan.