Saturday, August 15, 2009

Little girl, big farm

I'm in upstate New York at the grandparent's house for the weekend. Nicole gets to have her graduation party with the entire family. Oh god, the things I don't feel like dealing with. I miss everyone and it's really great to be here, but it's just so much and I'm so tired.
I miss my Anthony...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bamboo and Apartment Photoshoot!

I am in anth's apartment to steal his internet and upload these photos!!!


My Room:

The rest of the apartment:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New apartment and new friend!

This last week has been a blur!!! I apologize for not writing, not like anyone reads this but it's the principle. Anywho, I moved into the apartment on Sunday!!! YAY APARTMENT! It's fantastic, everything looks like a log cabbin right now, I LOVE IT!!! It took me forever to get unpacked and I'm still not really done. There are still some boxes and I need to keep cleaning. It's just so DRAINING doing all this cleaning and unpacking and such. I take many-a-needed break.
I would post pictures (that i have already took) but my internet connection is oh-so-slow because i'm stealing anth's internet.... :(

WELL i've also found a new friend. Her name is bamboo and she's a panda bear hamster! My mother gave me a hermit crab cage she was given from somewhere or another. Anth and i went to the pet store (petco - give credit where credit is due) and i looked at the hermit crabs, with every intention of buying one. The problem was i just couldn't get into it. They're ugly... and expensive. The research i did showed they are expensive, ugly and rather mean little crustacians. I can't get into it no matter how hard i try.
Then i looked at the hamsters. Then I saw bamboo. Then I fell in love. She is the most adorable little ham ever. She looks just like a mini panda!!! We did a photo shoot, but I don't think blogger is going to let me upload that either. damn internet connection.

I got her yesterday and she has already peed on me twice, once in the store and again on my pillow :(((
She's very mellow but she's also very shy. She doesn't do a whole lot and she won't accept food from me... I suppose I am rushing things a bit, but i didn't know any better. I did my research today and now i know what her deal is. I have to leave her alone for a little bit. :\

She's just so darn cute I want to cuddle her!!!